#1 Total
topDiscounts: it is possible to propose all discounts associated to the item, everyone with its calculation and assignment basis. Discounts can be taken from: customer register, payment solution assigned to document, price list from price list-customer association.
Price List Values: it is proposed the price list from which the item has been taken, with start/end validity date and particular sales conditions (e.g. discount bracket) assigned to the item in price list.
Warehouse and Template: it is possible to propose reference warehouse and template that will appear automatically at the moment of items unload related to wareouse.
The following values belong to each item line:
Unit Price: value of field 'Price';
Quantity: value of 'Quantity' field;
Gross Amount: Item Price * Item Quantity;
Total Discounts: the item discounts amount, included the final discounts;
Amount Origin: Gross amount – Discounts;
VAT: Amount origin * item VAT rate;
Total: Amount origin + Tax.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form Menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following:
BuildDate : 27 marzo 2015